May 18, 2016

May Snapshots

Snapshots of my San Francisco gardens in May 2016.

Oylara in custom built containers for roof deck.

May 01, 2016

Gabrielle Cameron Alamo Heights Garden

Gabrielle's Garden, 11am-1125am:

This Alamo Square treasure is a contemporary vertical garden created by Gabrielle Cameron in back of a classic SF Victorian. The garden consists of a large collection of epiphytes and bromeliads. Visually decadent while providing a sanctuary for the owners in the heart of the city. "Quiet, handsome and exotic."

Dino's Garden and Hell Strip

Dino's Garden, 1140am-1210am:

When we asked Dean Oullette how he would describe his garden he replied, "A Bay Area version of California Cottage; toss Sunset Magazine and go hiking in the country. This garden is an ongoing experiment in how to artfully nourish a sense of wonder while integrating multiple uses in a small space."

Ted Kipping's Collection Garden

Garden 3, 1230pm-1pm: 257 Joost Ave

Ted Kipping's collection of some of the most fabulous and unusual plants. The garden started it's life as a simple city lot, how it has been transformed will blow your mind. He describes his garden as a "rocky outcrop in a cloud forest."

Marcia's Bernal Heights Garden

Mike's Garden, 120am-150pm:

I created and maintain this garden, a quintessential Bernal Heights cottage garden with mixed borders including historic zen botanicals used for alter displays along with big dose of English garden inspiration: roses, viburnums, clematis, plums, weigelias,...."

Nader's Garden Noe Valley

Nader's Garden, 210-3pm:

The elegant and masculine city garden of Nader Meykedah. A personal garden designed equally for living and enjoying from the deck. The living structural elements frame an abundance of greens and flowers. The garden is shared by Nader's adorable dogs, Paris and Coco.

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