March 25, 2018

Green Wall on 14th Street

This warehouse is on my walk to the coop grocery store.  It was installed two or three years ago and has filled in nicely.  Somethings better than others but no real failures.  A couple thin spots but that's okay.  I love the power lines going into the building.  Slightly surreal.

March 18, 2018

March in Dearborn Community Garden

Spring is at least 2-4 weeks early this year.   Warm and dry December followed by regular intervals of rain and sunshine has been sublime.

March 07, 2018

Citrus blossom first week of March

Citrus is loving this extra warmth we had this winter. With the recent rains, it's all about to pop! This is the back patio garden at Dynamo Donuts on 24th Street in the Mission. The first two photos is an orange, the last is a Kaffir Lime, one of the ingredients in their donuts.

Citrus have been grown in containers for Centuries. The Romans took this fruit tree with them into north parts of Europe. But Citrus can not take the cold winters and thus needed to be brought into 
heated shelter.

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