Producing Floriferous Gardens in San Francisco’s Mediterranean Climate.
September 30, 2023
Philly Fling - A Garden Blogger's Retreat
September 24, 2023
Swarthmore College
Sunday, September 24, another rainy morning. The first two gardens today were cancelled due to the illness of a host. Instead, we're off to Swarthmore College campus. Many big campuses start with a house.
Paxson Hill Farm Gardens and Nursery
Bruce Gangawer’s Paxson Hill Farm in New Hope, PA. A large nursery with an impressive display garden.
The Gardens of Mill Fleurs
Jenny Rose Carey’s Northview Garden
September 23, 2023
Stoneleigh, A Natural Garden
Owl Creek Farm
September 22, 2023
September 21, 2023
Longwood Gardens
One of the Fling's two "Superbloom Level" sponsors and also a big destination for the group of garden bloggers, Longwood really delivered. Thank you for your support. Our first stop on opening day was the production nursery for Longwood's conservatory. A Dutch design with eighteen bays each with their own climate control is a dream to grow and a big expense to cover. Here in September, they are gearing up for their Chrysanthemum Festival in October and November.
September 17, 2023
English Garden Tour w/ Mike & Frank - Summer 2023
This is all the gardens Frank and I saw during our travels this summer to England, particularly East Anglia, the Midlands and the Cotswolds area of great beauty. A quick summary and archive of the post of each garden, park or landscape roadways that caught our eyes.
We landed at Heathrow Airport at 7 AM, dropped off our luggage at our accommodations and headed out to see London. First stop Saint Peter's Cathedral.
Reflection Garden - London St. Paul's Churchyard
In chronological order with title linking to the original post. Please click through to those you want to see more photos.
September 01, 2023
For every hour worked, one seed will be planted.
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Thursday, September 21 We arrived at Longwood Gardens for an eight hour visit. Longwood Gardens is large but we are having multiple ...