June 14, 2022


Paul, Alex, sabrina juniper, carob, wild rosemary, pine, short mountain laurels?, beach Salinas, San Miguel, large pine, red oleanders, topped italian cypress, beaches, road side food, sun bleached wood, Claudia, jacaranda, avocado, red clay, no cattle, goats or sheep, few chickens, vodka and lemon sorbet, 900 yo pine?, couple types of palms, throbbing disco music, bougainvillea, outdoor church, 

June 13, 2022

Great Dixter

 Great Dixter, nursery, Cephalaria alpina J sidewalk, grass roof tops, 15thc timber frame hall house, Lutyens 1912, fergus, sounds of school girls, tractors, workmanship, gardeners, roof, hedges and topiaries, orchids, exotic garden, giant fennel, roofer, experiment, colorful long border, Briza maximum, path guards,high garden, narrow paths, sambucus trained as small tree.

June 11, 2022

Scotney Castle

 Scotney Castle, picturesque, Kalmia, green winged orchid, sandstone, agapanthus Gayles Lilac, wire support, 

queen’s inn - Hawkhurst:  good room and food. 

June 10, 2022

Sissinghurst Castle Gardens

Delos garden Dan Pearson, Dianthus cortunsian or cruentus?, Phlomis, white garden artemisia, absinthium, Allium moly, Luzula nivea, astrantia, evening primrose, 

June 06, 2022


 Royal Botanical Garden Kew, giant sequoia, find prostanthera

June 05, 2022

Sheffield Park

 Sheffield Park, Montezumae Pine, Kalmia latifolia, very large rhododendrons, root system of felled tree, large beech with bluebells, old yews, Giant Sequoia, 125 year old maple, Bodant rhododendron, scenes for painting, chamaecypris nana, Cirsium atropurpureum, 


Wollemia nobilis, sequoia, orchids, Cedrus lobebii, kornus and handerchief, Craspedia globosa, phyllocladus glauca, leptosperum?, curry plant, ixia?, pittosporum alchemillia, geranium, burgundy alliums, dark rutabeckia, verbena, eryiron, Catalpa, pink and yellow, cornus kousa Satomi, orange and purple, rose garden, columns of Queen of Sweden, rosa white pet, delphinium and euphorbia, 

June 04, 2022

Borde Hill Garden - England

Catalpa fargesii duclouxii, italian garden, leaf patterns, palm flowers with bees, yew ground cover, Garraya, Liriodendron?, bumblebees on Rhododendron, reuse green waste, Stephanie's glade, roses, Rogue Valley Rose nursery in Oregon, make plant stakes metal with seed pods, 

Jubilee celebration, Platy Jubes in Cuckfield

Sir Harold Hillier Gardens

Set in the countryside of the southern county of Hampshire, this gardens has over 600 champion trees.   A collection of some the biggest and rarest trees in the UK.  

Allee dawn redwood, wisteria on pillars, Quercus robur ‘Totem’, metal colors, eryngium blue waves, iris rip city, laburnum, Tilia montcola, Deutzia x rosea, 

June 03, 2022

Montisfont - England

National collection of 19th century roses, largest plane tree in uk, Plantain?, wier, meadow, roses, campanula, comte du Chambord, Lady Hillingdon, Alliums, Irises, blue magenta, macedonia, white forb?, petite de Hollande, Crambe and Thalicrum, Complicata, Fru Dagmar Hastrup, 

Cranborne Manor

Nepeta and alliums, meadow in apple orchard, apple training, containers, yew towers, clematis structure, mirror, big chair in meadow, allium mollie.

June 02, 2022

Hestercombe Gardens

 Hestercombe, Iris, country life mag 1908, planting scheme from a fine gardener, victorian 6500 bedding plants, 4days work to edge edwardian lawns, Argyranthemums, geranium pratense ‘black beauty’, duck pond, chinese bridge, meadow schemes, mediterranean patio, pink iceberg?, bedding, plant structures, sidewalk planting scheme, 

East Lambrook Manor

East Lambrook Manor is the garden and home of Margery Fish, writer and plantswoman.   This garden is described as the quintessential English cottage garden.

 sumac? seeds, astrantia, gladiolus, color, artemisia, bronze fennel M2, mint?, yellow iris, silver and gold, 

Special Plants Nursery & Garden

 We are back to Derry Watkins’ nursery and garden.  Tuesdays she offers a talk and today's is self-sowing plants.  Then we go outside in her personal garden looking at those possibilities.   

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