June 03, 2012

Lost Gardens of Heligan

We arrived late in the day; just an hour to see a big garden. We focused on the kitchen garden, cold frames and greenhouses. This is some beautiful farmland. Lots of sheep.

Italian villa fountain with yellow Flag in the corners.

This is the Manure Boy's live/work space. This photo shows an open cold frame, to the right, a manure heated pineapple hot house. It apparently produced pineapples. But I've enjoyed fresh white pineapples on the big island of Hawaii. It probably wasn't that good. Who knows. It wasn't planted.

Kitchen Garden with rows of white Camassia. A North American bulb that enjoys our climate and tolerates soggy clay soil.

These Citrus are relocated into the green house for the winter.

Tomato Hot House. Note the glass panes in the green house. With an arched edge and a longitudinal bow in the pane, the rain drains away from the wooden frames. Helps keep the frame from rotting.

We are on the western coast of England in Cornwall and on the frontal edge of a tropical storm headed directly our way. It an humid day. Everything is moist include my camera lens. This photo reminds me that my shoes were soaked.

Pelargonium Hot House

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